So I won't promise that! But the good news is you don't have to walk THIS JOURNEY ALONE.

So I won't promise that! But the good news is you don't have to walk THIS JOURNEY ALONE.

Read my promise

Read my promise

MY Promise…

MY Promise…

Perhaps you've already read a long list of personal development books searching for who you really are… Perhaps you've already followed and worked with various influential figures and have often put them on a pedestal..

Perhaps you've already tried to find that perfect approach out there that will change your life but, after some time, felt disappointed since something was always missing…

But the thing is… When we continue to seek answers OUTWARDS instead of INWARDS…

But the thing is… When we continue to seek answers OUTWARDS instead of INWARDS…

… you will end up living your life following someone else's rules!
"So, here's my promise…
…when we work together..
… unlike others who still demand you follow their path, I promise not to influence you to do things AS I DO.
I’m here to EMPOWER you to find YOUR WAY because what works for me might not work for you.

My job is never to influence..., but to Empower  you to find Your way!

My job is never to influence..., but to Empower  you to find Your way!

MY Approach…

MY Approach…

You've already discovered what makes me fundamentally different...

that is… 

I don't get my clients to follow in my footsteps because we all have unique paths, and neither do I have a one size fits all approach. Instead, my role is to guide you to your own inner wisdom, provide you with specific personalised strategies, and create a safe space to deepen your self-understanding so you can confidently lead your life.

If you're wondering what else makes my work stand out, here they are…

While I am very thorough and provide a lot of depth and detail about your Design, I won't just leave you with the information and a long list of strategies for you to follow on your own. Instead, I will support you in integrating it into your life and ensure we also do the deep transformational healing alongside the HD work. 

This is key because unless we get to the root of what's holding you back from being your true self and release any fears, limiting beliefs and past conditioning you may have, you will struggle to implement these personalised strategies into your life. 

Another aspect of my approach is my passion for your ongoing transformation and emotional freedom. Therefore I don't just guide you on what needs to be worked on now, but rather, I provide a long-term plan based on your human Design so you can continue to evolve and expand, with or without my support.

There are Three Main Branches to My Approach.


Here, you gain awareness about your soul's blueprint that reveals who you really are, who you are not and the personal strategies to unlock your unique potential so you can create a life that aligns with your authentic self.


Here, you master your personal strategies by being fully supported during the implementation and integration process, so you don't have to rely on others and can confidently become your own guru.


Here, you release your deep emotional wounds and transform disempowering beliefs that no longer serve you, so you can become more of who you truly are to allow your soul to flow into your unique purpose.

What to Expect from the SoulDesign

What to Expect from the

During our SoulDesign work, together, we will explore 4 different components.


This reveals what you came here to be and do in this lifetime. You get deep clarity on who you are at a DNA level, the innate expression you were born which you naturally rely on, including your unique gifts, talents and true potential


This will help you understand your behaviour when you are not showing up as your true self and where you are prone to conditioning from others. So you can be aware whilst reconnecting with yourself. This is critical because any deviation from who you are will divert you from your unique path and PURPOSE.


Here, you will learn various personal strategies to apply to your life, specific to your unique SoulDesign. Hence, you have practical guidance to help you express more of who you are.


This will help you understand your behaviour when you are not showing up as your true self and where you are prone to conditioning from others. So you can be aware whilst reconnecting with yourself. This is critical because any deviation from who you are will divert you from your unique path and PURPOSE. 

How I help you ensure you make the most of our SoulDesign work:

How I help you ensure you make the most of our SoulDesign work:


Initially, you’ll receive two sessions in the form of Zoom calls ( up to 4 hours in total) to learn the purpose of Human Design and how it works, followed by the reading of your individual SoulDesign.


Following our sessions, you receive a thorough and detailed report that takes up to 40 hrs to generate from scratch specifying the 4 different components of your SoulDesign as mentioned above, including questions for reflection.


I also provide personalised questions and suggested points of consideration derived from the report. This enhances your self-understanding and reveals the underlying causes of your patterns and behaviours to self-identify what's holding you back from living in alignment. It lays the groundwork for your SoulHealing sessions, facilitating profound transformative healing.


Here, we review your progress in applying the initial reading insights to ensure you're on course. You can ask any remaining questions and depart with a clear plan for your next steps to progress on your SoulEmbodiment journey."

What To Expect From The SoulStrategy

What To Expect From The SoulStrategy

Ensuring the best results and unwavering support on your journey, you get access to me in between sessions to:

  • Ask questions

  • Share progress

  • Explore solutions together

SoulDesign & SoulStrategy Gains:

SoulDesign & SoulStrategy Gains:

Do you want this?

What to expect in our SoulHealing Sessions

What to expect in our SoulHealing Sessions

After dedicating years to studying and honing my skills in diverse healing and energy psychology methods, my intuition guided me to combine some advanced holistic techniques, such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Activations, and  Divine Light.

Each of them has its unique purpose within the sessions:

EFT reduces your stress level, processes unresolved emotions and calms you down by regulating your nervous system.

Matrix Reimprinting enables you to safely revisit emotional events and situations where transformational healing needs to take place.

Activations help you access a deep state of consciousness, allowing more profound realisations to occur while alchemising the disempowering emotional charge and beliefs from past events and situations to a more empowering one. Together, these elements facilitate a deeper level of healing.

Divine Light enhances the healing process, enabling me to evaluate your energy and emotions as a practitioner. This helps me grasp the dynamic of events or situations we’ll be addressing.

SoulHealing Experience…

SoulHealing Experience…

Do you want this?

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?



Readiness to engage and do the work!

Readiness to engage and do the work!

Readiness to embrace initial discomfort

Readiness to embrace initial discomfort

Readiness to expand your consciousness!

Readiness to expand your consciousness!


I can give you all the resources in the world, but it's you who will need to apply them to your day-to-day life. Otherwise, nothing will ever change!

I can support you through your healing, but it's you who will be facing your Shadows and limitations.

I can help you create more awareness of what's true for you, but it's you who has to let go of your old patterns!

I can guide you along your SoulEmbodiment Journey, but it's you who has to walk your path!

Of course, none of these is always easy...

But the good news is… you don't need to walk this path ALONE! I am here to empower and support you along your way to make this Journey FAR EASIER for you.

So, are you ready? ...


Book “SoulConsultation” Call

Book “SoulConsultation” Call

I’d love to connect with you and discuss how I can support you in your FREE online “SoulConsultation” Call.

I’d love to connect with you and discuss how I can support you in your FREE online “SoulConsultation” Call.

My Qualification

My Qualification

Accredited Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner


Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner


Matrix Birth Reimprinting Practitioner


EFTMRA Ambassador


Diploma in Personal Development Coaching


META-Health Practitioner


NLP Practitioner


Human Design Practitioner


Reiki Master


Divine Light Practitioner & Teacher


Intuitive Gifts and Auric Reading Practitioner


Ho’oponopono Practitioner & Teacher


Activations Practitioner


Let’s Connect

Disclaimer - In line with guidelines, Renata Dosanjh does not claim to dictate how to live life or diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness or disease or to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care professional. Any information on this website or within her practice is not intended as ‘medical’ advice. Rather it reflects her own opinion and offers what she believes is the best according to her experience and knowledge as a Human Design Analyst and as a non-medical practitioner within the field of the techniques in which she is qualified.

© 2024. All rights reserved.

Let’s Connect

Disclaimer - In line with guidelines, Renata Dosanjh does not claim to dictate how to live life or diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness or disease or to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care professional. Any information on this website or within her practice is not intended as ‘medical’ advice. Rather it reflects her own opinion and offers what she believes is the best according to her experience and knowledge as a Human Design Analyst and as a non-medical practitioner within the field of the techniques in which she is qualified.

© 2024. All rights reserved.