Every SoulSeeking Journey is UNIQUE!

Every SoulSeeking Journey is Unique!

Finding "your way" is not always easy, but it's worth it.

Finding "your way" is not always easy, but it's worth it.

Read my true story

Read my true story


too many SoulSeekers look for inspiration outside themselves, following gurus and influencers who advocate 'DO AS I DO' approach. It seems easy and convenient to walk their path.

Still, we often overlook that this can lead us further away from our own truth, leaving us feeling unfulfilled and disconnected, where it always feels like something is missing.

Which is exactly what happened to me…

Which is exactly what happened to me…

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was enjoying a sunny afternoon in the garden and whilst reading "The Four Agreements", it suddenly hit me….


At that moment, I realised I blindly followed my father's advice: "YOU EITHER WANT FRIENDS OR A BOYFRIEND"!

Doubting myself, I chose a jealous boyfriend over male friendships. When the truth was, I needed someone to accept me having male friends. Even those whom I used to be in a romantic relationship with…

Even worse! Seeking external guidance from fortune tellers when faced with challenges became a norm as I lacked confidence and trust in my own decision-making. No wonder my life was a mess, and I felt no satisfaction!

Deep down, I knew I couldn't continue this way. Thus began my Soul Seeking Journey – a quest for authenticity and self-discovery.

I dove into self-help books, alternative health and energy healing courses, and activities that made my heart sing. I planned a trip to India and a stay in Sydney, making a vow - no more fortune tellers, no more giving my power away, no more letting others dictate my life! It helped me connect with myself better, realising I had all the answers within!

Despite life improvements, accessing these inner answers practically remained a challenge. Some decisions still led to misalignment…

After relocating to the UK for love, I accepted a job where I felt like an alien. This impacted my confidence so badly that I felt depressed and trapped. In my next job, I wanted to prove myself, leading to burnout instead of success.

Of course, it couldn't work because I was doing something that wasn't true for me…

Eventually, I transformed my hobby into a massage therapy profession. I delved into Life Coaching, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, META-Health, and other modalities, integrating them seamlessly into my practice.

That's when things started to change….

That's when things started to change….

I was suddenly living the things that were important to me…

I have had an amazing supportive husband.

I did what I loved for a living.

I became a mother despite having been told by doctors that it would be a difficult issue.

I relocated back to Australia, which was my dream.

I conceived my second child effortlessly.

…However, something was still missing... That something was FULFILLMENT

Even after extensive inner work, I STILL felt lost, lacking profound self-understanding. This led to IMITATING others, constantly COMPARING, SEEKING APPROVAL and reassurance about how good I was. Not to mention how I was constantly CRITICISING myself!

It did not change until I discovered HUMAN DESIGN!!!

Listening to my first reading, I was instantly mesmerised and lit up from within because something deep inside knew I had just tapped into my TRUE PURPOSE.

I became a devoted Human Design student, integrating knowledge into daily life.

WHAT A GAME Changer!

WHAT A GAME Changer!

You can't imagine the boost of CONFIDENCE it gave me when suddenly I could see how special and unique I was!

I uncovered strengths and embraced weaknesses, finding peace in accepting and working with both.

I learned strategies to connect with my inner wisdom, making decisions from a place of inner trust and reassurance.

For the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I gave myself PERMISSION to be ME and started BELIEVING IN MYSELF!

And it beautifully manifested in various areas of my life..

And it beautifully manifested in various areas of my life..

In my work…

…I began trusting in my creativity and intuition rather than imitating others. This led me to develop a unique spin on helping others that truly resonated with me. This new approach and understanding of each client's unique Design enabled me easily identify areas for growth and healing. It brings me so much joy, and my clients' incredible transformation literally blows me away.

In relationships…

…I've become more compassionate toward myself and others. It extends to my role as a mother; I've connected with my children better, knowing that as a mom, my task is to create a safe space for them, nurturing their individuality and guiding them based on their unique needs. It's truly priceless to have this deep understanding of your kids.

And I realised this is what's missing for many of us growing up and why so many do not reach their full potential! Because they are being encouraged to fit into the same box…

And I realised this is what's missing for many of us growing up and why so many do not reach their full potential! Because they are being encouraged to fit into the same box…

When the reality is:

We are all unique…

We all have the potential to contribute to the World in our own way…

We all have our individual needs…

… and when they are met we begin to flourish in life!

… and when they are met we begin to flourish in life!

Now, looking back, it makes so much sense why I was missing the INNER PEACE and FLOW IN LIFE! There was a lack of clarity and a deep connection with myself compared to the one I have now.

I am still in awe of how having such awareness of myself and implementing it alongside deep transformational healing has accelerated my journey, and the level of satisfaction keeps increasing! And now, since I have been navigating this for myself, I've been able to create a framework to help others which I call the…

… "SoulEmbodiment Journey", a pathway to guide SoulSeekers back to their unique expression of self. Because if you don't allow yourself to be YOU, you will never experience real FULFILLMENT and JOY in life!

Tell Me About Your Journey

Tell Me About Your Journey

I’d love to connect with you and discuss how I can support you in your FREE online “SoulConsultation” Call.

“SoulEmdobiment” Gains:

“SoulEmdobiment” Gains:

“SoulEmdobiment” Gains:

Let’s Connect

Disclaimer - In line with guidelines, Renata Dosanjh does not claim to dictate how to live life or diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness or disease or to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care professional. Any information on this website or within her practice is not intended as ‘medical’ advice. Rather it reflects her own opinion and offers what she believes is the best according to her experience and knowledge as a Human Design Analyst and as a non-medical practitioner within the field of the techniques in which she is qualified.

© 2024. All rights reserved.

Let’s Connect

Disclaimer - In line with guidelines, Renata Dosanjh does not claim to dictate how to live life or diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness or disease or to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care professional. Any information on this website or within her practice is not intended as ‘medical’ advice. Rather it reflects her own opinion and offers what she believes is the best according to her experience and knowledge as a Human Design Analyst and as a non-medical practitioner within the field of the techniques in which she is qualified.

© 2024. All rights reserved.