What is Wireframing?

What is Wireframing?

As the internet continues to develop and grow exponentially, jobs related to the industry do too, particularly those that relate to web design and development.

So I won't promise that! But the good news is you don't have to walk THIS JOURNEY ALONE.

So I won't promise that! But the good news is you don't have to walk THIS JOURNEY ALONE.

MY Promise…

MY Promise…

Perhaps you've already read a long list of personal development books searching for who you really are… Perhaps you've already followed and worked with various influential figures and have often put them on a pedestal..

Perhaps you've already tried to find that perfect approach out there that will change your life but, after some time, felt disappointed since something was always missing…

What To Expect

What To Expect

Ensuring the best results and unwavering support on your journey, you get access to me in between sessions to:

  • Ask questions

  • Share progress

  • Explore solutions together

What to expect in our SoulHealing Sessions

What to expect in our SoulHealing Sessions

After dedicating years to studying and honing my skills in diverse healing and energy psychology methods, my intuition guided me to combine some advanced holistic techniques, such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Activations, and  Divine Light.

Each of them has its unique purpose within the sessions:

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

After dedicating years to studying and honing my skills in diverse healing and energy psychology methods, my intuition guided me to combine some advanced holistic techniques, such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Activations, and  Divine Light.

Each of them has its unique purpose within the sessions:


I can give you all the resources in the world, but it's you who will need to apply them to your day-to-day life. Otherwise, nothing will ever change!

I can support you through your healing, but it's you who will be facing your Shadows and limitations.

I can help you create more awareness of what's true for you, but it's you who has to let go of your old patterns!

I can guide you along your SoulEmbodiment Journey, but it's you who has to walk your path!



I can give you all the resources in the world, but it's you who will need to apply them to your day-to-day life. Otherwise, nothing will ever change!

I can support you through your healing, but it's you who will be facing your Shadows and limitations.

I can help you create more awareness of what's true for you, but it's you who has to let go of your old patterns!

I can guide you along your SoulEmbodiment Journey, but it's you who has to walk your path!

“SoulEmbodiment” Gains:

“SoulEmbodiment” Gains:

Book “SoulConsultation” Call

Book “SoulConsultation” Call

I’d love to connect with you and discuss how I can support you in your FREE online “SoulConsultation” Call.

Let’s Connect

Disclaimer - In line with guidelines, Renata Dosanjh does not claim to dictate how to live life or diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness or disease or to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care professional. Any information on this website or within her practice is not intended as ‘medical’ advice. Rather it reflects her own opinion and offers what she believes is the best according to her experience and knowledge as a Human Design Analyst and as a non-medical practitioner within the field of the techniques in which she is qualified.

© 2024. All rights reserved.

Let’s Connect

Disclaimer - In line with guidelines, Renata Dosanjh does not claim to dictate how to live life or diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness or disease or to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care professional. Any information on this website or within her practice is not intended as ‘medical’ advice. Rather it reflects her own opinion and offers what she believes is the best according to her experience and knowledge as a Human Design Analyst and as a non-medical practitioner within the field of the techniques in which she is qualified.

© 2024. All rights reserved.