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Having lots of INDIVIDUAL ENERGY is FUN!


Mar 2, 2024

If you have individual energy, you can constantly feel like an alien! Like you don't fit in, and you can even question yourself! I am sure some will resonate...

And trying to fit in and giving yourself up won't help! Instead, you will end up with double frustration, bitterness, anger or disappointment. So there is no point in doing it!


Because you will be acting based on NOTSELF and energetically, you will be distorted. In addition, doing so won't bring you any satisfaction. Because deep inside, you know how ESSENTIAL it is to EXPRESS YOURSELF IN YOUR UNIQUE WAY! Even though it might be entirely different from others... So, doing otherwise won't work for you or get you closer to your desired outcome!

Not even talking about this MELANCHOLY attached to the individual energy!!!!

This deep sadness, coming out of the blue and hanging there! You know, resonating with these slow, sad songs that make you cry. Telling your offspring how amazing they are with the tears in your eyes...

This is exactly me right now!

And I feel blessed! Blessed knowing that this is part of me, and I don't need to make a big fuss about it!

I know that it appears and goes... I no longer need to rationalise or give it a reason! Because then this melancholy stays with me longer than it is necessary!

But still, it is good to tune into it and check whether there is any NOTSELF CHARGE as it can trigger some unresolved EMOTIONAL WOUNDS... which can be addressed in my SoulHealing sessions later on...

So this is another advantage of having such a deep self-understanding that Human Design offers to you! It enables you to embrace yourself fully. Instead of acting upon things that are part of you or, on the other hand, your NOTSELF, you become an observer, and you don't take things personally. And as I said a few times:


Let's have a look!

Even though individual energy comes with challenges (what does not, right?), it is truly a GIFT!

First, this melancholy is such a creative muse! Look how many songs were written being fueled by it!!! Haha, especially those that resonate with me right now :-D So, instead of turning it inward, you can channel it out! Not only into art! Whatever way you want to express your creative self! Maybe to some creative projects…

Also, it is highly mutative and has the potential to bring something NEW to the World! Something DIFFERENT, what wasn't here yet.

And if you stay authentic to yourself, yeah, maybe you might not fit in, and you might not be everyone's cup of tea, true! But there will be people who will find you highly INSPIRATIONAL! Because by allowing yourself to be different and do things differently, you EMPOWER others to do the same.

Not in a "DO AS I DO" way, but you INSPIRE and EMPOWER them to find their own way too! And that's another beautiful gift that you can offer to others! And those people will appreciate you without giving up yourself in order to fit in!

Could you recognise having a majority of individual energy within yourself? Not fitting in and feeling odd, sometimes being hit by melancholy without any reason? If so, let us know how you deal with it. Think about how it could help your creativity.

I look forward to hearing about it all. 

Let’s Connect

Disclaimer - In line with guidelines, Renata Dosanjh does not claim to dictate how to live life or diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness or disease or to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care professional. Any information on this website or within her practice is not intended as ‘medical’ advice. Rather it reflects her own opinion and offers what she believes is the best according to her experience and knowledge as a Human Design Analyst and as a non-medical practitioner within the field of the techniques in which she is qualified.

© 2024. All rights reserved.

Let’s Connect

Disclaimer - In line with guidelines, Renata Dosanjh does not claim to dictate how to live life or diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness or disease or to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care professional. Any information on this website or within her practice is not intended as ‘medical’ advice. Rather it reflects her own opinion and offers what she believes is the best according to her experience and knowledge as a Human Design Analyst and as a non-medical practitioner within the field of the techniques in which she is qualified.

© 2024. All rights reserved.